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Child Welfare Handbook

A Handbook on Child Abuse and Neglect Proceedings for New Mexico Judges and Practitioners.

The Handbook incorporates the applicable requirements of the New Mexico Children’s Code, the Children’s Court rules, court cases and federal laws. It summarizes the child abuse and neglect process, describes the roles and responsibilities of a number of the participants, explains the hearings that may take place in a case, and addresses such topics as discovery, evidence, psychological considerations, and special provisions for Indian children. Proceedings under the children's mental health laws, the Delinquency Act, and other statutes are also summarized.

Intended to serve as a current, convenient secondary source of law, policy and practice for child abuse and neglect cases,the Handbook is not intended to serve as legal authority; instead, consult primary sources for actual legal language and requirements.

This Handbook is a project of the Corinne Wolfe Children's Law Center and the New Mexico Judicial Education Center at the University of New Mexico School of Law.

Last Updated:  June 2014

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